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In Memoriam

Shigeharu Inoue, Doctor of Pharmacy (1932-2012) He was involved in a research of antibiotic about 40 years in a pharmaceutical company after graduated from Tokyo University Division of Pharmaceutical Science. After that, he started a new research of aromatherapy, and pioneered his own field “antimicrobial aromatherapy” before the rest of the world. As a researcher, he had a large originality and energy, but he also displayed his artistic ability, such as made a photographic collection of the time of reached the summit of the Himalayas and composed many tanka. The Inoue Herb Garden which he made are taken care by the locals even now.

Mitsuo Yokoyama (1927-2014) is a professor emeritus in Kurume University School of Medicine, became the first professor of Department of Immunology, Kurume University School of Medicine after experience a professor of University of Illinois. He has proven a crosstalk between the olfactory and immune system using essential oils. Consequently he widely contributed to the medical use of aromatherapy and medicinal herbs. He was the first president of Japanese Society of Aromatherapy and Japan Medical Herb Association. He has gotten a US citizenship and educated young researchers with free use of international network.

Shizuo Torii MD/PhD (1925-2012) is a professor emeritus in Toho University in Japan and known as an authority of cerebrophysiology and sleep physiology. He has proven the psychotherapeutic effects of essential oils by his scientific research showed how lavender and jasmine affect mind by contingent negative variation (CNV) amplitude. At that time, some criticism were happened to him by especially medical doctors because of a deep-rooted prejudice against aromatherapy, however he devoted his whole life to aromatherapy could occupy a position in science. Not only medical professions but also many aroma therapists loved his dandy and sincere personality.

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